Restorative Justice and Creating a Culture of Communication

Educators don’t always give students a voice when they make a mistake. Punitive systems require blaming one party and punishing them to address the behavior.

However, retaliatory consequences create a temporary bandage for an issue. They do very little to unveil the full story and bring all...

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Repair the Harm: Teaching students to take direct responsibility for their actions

Suspensions, detentions, and referrals to the office all have one common flaw: they are exclusionary processes.

Asher threw pencil + Finlee threw pencil = two referrals to the office. They are both removed from the class and “taught” a lesson through the consequence. Throwing pencils...

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It's A Classroom Not A Bootcamp: Classroom Management 2.0


Ah, yes—the first day of class. That special time of the year when everything starts fresh.

New students. New ideas. New opportunities.

And the same old first-day routine. If you are like many teachers, the first day of class,...

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Restorative Justice in the Classroom: 5 Ways to Create a Culture of Empathy and Responsibility

According to the Civil Rights Data Collection, of the 49 million students enrolled in public schools in 2011–2012, 3.5 million were suspended in-school, 3.45 million were suspended out-of-school, and 130,000 were expelled.

Another concerning fact from this source is that black students are...

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It’s Time To Allow The F Word In Your Classroom

When someone asks how your day was, do you say, “it was so satisfying?” Do you exit a roller coaster and exclaim, “That was a very satisfying ride?” When you last dined at a 5-star restaurant, did you tell the server that you just couldn’t wait for a satisfactory...

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How To Be The Kind Of Teacher They Make Movies About And Eliminate Classroom Management Problems Forever

Mike Roberts did what so few teachers have been able to do: He cracked the code on classroom management.

Roberts, 2014 Utah English Teacher of the Year and author of Hacking Classroom Management: 10 Ideas To Help You Become the Type of Teacher They Make Movies About, says that class disruption...

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